

Signals allow you to remotely control your CaptionKit dashboard or app. You can use signals to start and stop captions, set the language, control caption visibility and more.

Before you get started make sure to create an API key in your CaptionKit dashboard and read up on the API authentication.

Signal types

  • captions:stream:start - Start streaming captions
  • captions:stream:stop - Stop streaming captions
  • captions:stream:clear - Clear caption text
  • captions:pending:on - Turn on "Starting soon" message
  • captions:pending:off - Turn off "Starting soon" message
  • captions:visibility:hide - Temporarily hide captions
  • captions:visibility:show - Show captions
  • language:select - Set transcription language
    • This signal requires an additional value={language} parameter. Read further down for details.

Get ready to receive signals

To receive signals in your CaptionKit dashboard, add ?signals=true to the end of the dashboard URL: https://app.captionkit.com?signals=true (opens in a new tab)

Sending a signal

Signals can be sent using either a POST or GET request to the following URL:


For the below examples, the API_KEY will be included in a query param, but this can also be included in the request headers.

GET /me/signal

Using curl

curl https://api.captionkit.io/v1/me/signal?key={API_KEY}&event=captions:stream:start

Using fetch in JS or Node


POST /me/signal

Using curl

curl -X POST https://api.captionkit.io/v1/me/signal?key={API_KEY}
   -H 'Content-Type: application/json'
   -d '{"event":"captions:stream:start"}'

Using fetch in JS or Node

fetch('https://api.captionkit.io/v1/me/signal?key={API_KEY}', {
  method: 'POST',
  headers: {
    'Content-Type': 'application/json',
  body: JSON.stringify({
    event: 'captions:stream:start',

Language selection

When using the language:select signal, you must include a value parameter in the request, with a validlanguage code. For example, to set the language to English, you would use the language code en.

The available language codes are:

  • en English,
  • en-US English (United States),
  • en-AU English (Australia),
  • en-GB English (Great Britain),
  • en-NZ English (New Zealand),
  • fr French,
  • fr-CA French (Canada),
  • de German,
  • de-CH German (Switzerland),
  • it Italian,
  • ja Japanese,
  • ko Korean,
  • es Spanish,
  • es-419 Spanish (Latin America),
curl https://api.captionkit.io/v1/me/signal?key={API_KEY}&event=language:select&value=en